The Irresistible Attraction of Divinity


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Love is the only thing in the whole world that has an irresistible attraction. It is the most predominant feeling inherent in all living beings. Regardless of our background, nationality, language and the section of society we belong to, the power of love remain common to all of humanity, perhaps to the entire creation.
Though the energy behind love is the same, it manifests diversely depending on each person’s samskara (latent tendencies). This is how Amma puts it, “For a scientist, love means protons and neutrons. A poet or orator considers words like love, while food is love for some. Love for the near and dear ones is common. Color is love for an artist. A baby’s love is for its mother, and for a honeybee it is flowers. But for a devotee, God is love. Similarly, for a disciple, the guru is love.”


Love is the only thing in the whole world that has an irresistible attraction. It is the most predominant feeling inherent in all living beings. Regardless of our background, nationality, language and the section of society we belong to, the power of love remain common to all of humanity, perhaps to the entire creation.
Though the energy behind love is the same, it manifests diversely depending on each person’s samskara (latent tendencies). This is how Amma puts it, “For a scientist, love means protons and neutrons. A poet or orator considers words like love, while food is love for some. Love for the near and dear ones is common. Color is love for an artist. A baby’s love is for its mother, and for a honeybee it is flowers. But for a devotee, God is love. Similarly, for a disciple, the guru is love.”

Book Details

Weight 240 g
Dimensions 18 × 1.5 × 12 cm

Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri


Amrita Books