Lead Us to the Purity


Back Cover

Lead Us to Purity contains a selection of speeches that Amma give in India between 1990 en 1999. In these pages Amma is talking to ordinary people from all walks of life, who have come to be with her for special occasions: perhaps the inauguration of her cancer hospice near Mumbai, or to celebrate her birthday or Onam, the biggest holiday in Kerala. She talks to them and to us, the readers of this beauti-ful book – about the art of living a truly hap-py and fulfilling life. In her unique way, she explains the universal, spiritual principles in a simple, easily graspable, and yet profound way.

SKU: Eng 006 Category:


Lead Us to Purity contains a selection of speeches that Amma give in India between 1990 en 1999. In these pages Amma is talking to ordinary people from all walks of life, who have come to be with her for special occasions: perhaps the inauguration of her cancer hospice near Mumbai, or to celebrate her birthday or Onam, the biggest holiday in Kerala. She talks to them and to us, the readers of this beauti-ful book – about the art of living a truly hap-py and fulfilling life. In her unique way, she explains the universal, spiritual principles in a simple, easily graspable, and yet profound way.

Book Details

Weight 255 g
Dimensions 21 × 1.4 × 13 cm

Swami Jnanamritananda Puri


Amrita Books